As an actress, model, and beloved figure in the media, Sapphire Howell captivates a staggering three million fans with her captivating content. Sapphire, a leading female tech founder in the realm of Web3, is pushing boundaries and forging new paths. She’s now delving into the realm of digital membership passes, an innovative extension of her brand. Join us as we dive into Sapphire’s fascinating work and gain a deeper understanding of her creative endeavors.
From Actress to Tech Founder and Beyond

Top & skirt, Naeem Khan. Headband, Jolita Jewellery
The model was scouted by an agent, who helped navigate the entertainment industry for her. She first started doing extra work on indie films, which eventually lead to modeling and helped build her social following when the influencer boom hit.

Full look, Moschino. Earrings, Jolita Jewellery
In the process of diversifying her own portfolio, she created the digital member’s passes to offer her fan base an opportunity to have exclusive access into her world. Her spirited charm and loquacious personality has led Sapphire to her latest endeavors – an ambassador for FAWC (First Ape Wives Club). This is a white-glove exclusive travel membership that empowers women to take ownership of blockchains and control their digital assets.
She explains, “I have an exclusive digital pass that offers VIP experiences around the world and unlocks this entire community of like-minded individuals who have the same goals and share the same passions. I want everyone to become part of this platform, so they can surround themselves with these amazing women who are interested in tech, art and have a wanderlust for travel like I do.”

Top & shorts, Prabal Gurung. Sandals, Gedebe. Earrings, Jolita Jewellery
Sapphire Howell recently launched her self-portrait animated style NFT’s. How did she start the project? “I was so fortunate and got to collaborate with a former Disney animator. I had full control of the look and feel of my NFT’s. I wanted to make sure that the artwork truly embodied my essence, girlie playful and sweet, along with my mannerisms and unique characteristics. I’m extremely happy with this project and am currently looking for additional ways to express my creativity.”

Total look, Versace
Her podcast, Heartbreakers, is climbing the podcast charts in the relationship category. “I’ve been in several relationships, some good and some bad – so I started becoming the go-to person with friends and fans. I’m not judgmental, because when I’m feeling down I want to be motivated and uplifted. I offer honest advice, but with kindness. I hope that my listeners learn that they are not alone and what I am building is a safe space to discuss any issue.”

Dress, Bronx & Banco. Handbag, Emm Kuo. Earrings, Iova by VL
Wearing many different hats, Sapphire Howell is a busy woman. She has to keep a super tight schedule, “My morning routine sets the tone. I don’t immediately wake up and look at my phone. I take the morning to journal and have ‘me’ time, before the digital brain kicks in. I balance all my projects, by creating a regular eight-hour work schedule, unless I have events scheduled – then my day can be a little longer. I take most weekends off and use that time to travel and keep up with my creative flow.”

Top, Naeem Khan. Skirt, Emilio Pucci. Shoes, Hardot. Headband & earrings, Jolita Jewellery
In her spare time, this wanderlust free-spirit enjoys traveling. Paris is her favorite cities. She exclaims, “Paris, Je t’aime Paris! I love the culture so much and I fully submerse myself in it when I’m there. It has such amazing food, little hidden treasures all over the city and the street style. Très chic! As soon as I land, I head to Hôtel Costes and order their cheesecake, and then I head to the Hemingway Bar located in the Ritz. It has so much history there and it transports you to another world. I get so inspired when I’m there. Not to forget, the shopping. I do have to keep up with my collection of Birkins!”

Total look, Versace
Photographer: Harol Baez @harolbaezstudio.
Talent: Sapphire Howell @elsajeanofficial.
Creative Director: Arnold Milfort @arnoldmilfort.
Makeup: Christian Diaz @khris_diaz_makeup.
Hair: Lorenzo Diaz @lorenzodiazhair.
Fashion Stylist: Arnold Milfort @arnoldmilfort.
Production: Amanda Archer @amandaarcherIsme.
Stylist Assistant: Samia Laaboudi from TheSLStory.
Location: Congress Hall Hotel.
Harper’s Bazaar Vietnam